Additional Resources - Operation House Call


Barry Prizant: Advice for Parents and Teachers

A short interview with Barry Prizant, author of Uniquely Human, gives advice for parents and teachers on the importance of getting kids out into the world and having practical experiences while also providing the right support. He also talks about the role of the community and the importance of “authentic progress” and recognizing “active engagement” as a learning model.

Autistic voices explain firsthand what it feels like to be autistic. Beautiful animations accompany the voices.

Interviews with parents of color who reflect on their early experiences with their children receiving a diagnosis of autism and finding and accessing supportive services within the African-American, Hmong, Latino, Native American, and Somali communities.
In this TED Talk, Sam Berns was a Junior at Foxboro High School in Foxboro, Massachusetts, where he achieved the highest honors and was a percussion section leader in the high school marching band. Sam was diagnosed with Progeria, a rare, rapid-aging disease, at the age of 2. This TED Talk is an inspiring lens into Sam’s philosophy of life and a lesson on resilience for all of us.

This 7-minute news report from CBS describes the powerful 2021 documentary “Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution”  (available on Netflix.) Correspondent Rita Braver talks with Jim LeBrecht about the documentary footage and with activist Judy Heumann about how the Camp Jened experience inspired her leadership in promoting the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Shows how neurodiversity strengthens the workforce at Microsoft, which has hired about 200 people across engineering and business disciplines through its neurodiversity hiring program. Microsoft believes that when technology reflects the diversity of the people who use it, everyone can achieve more.

“Down Syndrome: Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment” (Webinar March 2022) What causes Down syndrome?

Brian Skotko, M.D, M.P.P., Medical Geneticist, provides a comprehensive overview of Down Syndrome, including the genetic differences, types of Down Syndrome, co-occurring conditions, treatments, incidence, and best support for families.
Brian Skotko, M.D, M.P.P., Medical Geneticist, explains what parents can expect during the first year of raising a child with Down syndrome, including information on breastfeeding, testing, and support for health and wellness.
Frank Stephens, who has Down syndrome, speaks to a Congressional subcommittee in Washington during the Down Syndrome NIH Research Funding Appeals, February, 2017. With an engaging personality and exceptional level of articulacy, Stephens describes specific benefits for our general community to fund research on Down syndrome.
Evie, an autistic young woman with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), discusses the link between hypermobile EDS and autism. EDS is a genetic connective tissue disorder that affects the collagen in our bodies and often causes various symptoms, such as dislocated joints and chronic pain.
Mickey Rowe, an autistic Broadway actor, describes his early life and a bit about his journey to discovering theater and eventually starring on Broadway. He discusses the importance of autistic representation in acting roles. Rowe notes that most of society places a high value on skills that exclude autistic people — and he wants that to change.
This video went viral and highlights Stella Young, a comedian and journalist who uses a wheelchair. She would like NOT to be considered “a noble inspiration to all humanity.” This extremely funny talk describes society’s habit of turning disabled people into “inspiration porn.”
Inclusion in Education
By federal law, public schools must offer full inclusion for individuals if it is approved in the child’s education plan. The three reports below are about a public school in Boston, MA, which offers ONLY a full inclusion model for all its students, with or without disabilities. Proponents of the Henderson School model say that their educational method is less expensive per student and more successful with regard to educational testing outcomes for all their graduates, as measured for students with or without disabilities.
The full inclusion model was introduced when the school was just an elementary school. It is currently a popular K-12 public school called The William Henderson School in Boston, MA, with waiting lists for eager students, with or without disabilities.
This short trailer of a longer documentary called “Including Samuel” is a beautiful glimpse into the family life of Dan Habib, a photojournalist with two sons, Samuel and Isaiah. Samuel has a disability; the video is a beautiful example of inclusion. 
Story of a family who lives with Prader-Willi Syndrome, highlighting young Olivia. It discusses some of the symptoms and highlights her engaging personality, wild imagination, and strong opinions.
In a second report in its series, Channel 5 interviews Melanie McLaughlin, who recounts her experience when learning about a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome. Dr. Skotko talks about post-birth support, including medical interventions.
This video allows autistic people to answer, “What is it like to be autistic?” Diverse autistic voices share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.